Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Date change for July Get-Together

I had to change the date for the July Get-Together to the 27th. That's still a Thursday, and still 4:30pm - ???.

I'm still trying to think of a good location. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!


Friday, June 23, 2006

6/22 Meeting Minutes

It was suggested that I publish our meeting minutes which I thought was a great idea. So here's what went on.

We had a good turnout. Went around the room introducing ourselves and discovered one person who is new to Progress has a real mess on his hands. We spent a good portion of the meeting listening to his problems and offering suggestions, as well as sympathy - we could all feel his pain.

Several people are still running character clients instead of gui, and no one was on OE10. Three people have old v6-style code that includes editing blocks.

I talked about Exchange and provided a handout (pdf) with links to various Exchange information on PSDN, information about the new products, some quick tips on DB Performance from Adam Backman and Gus's presentations, and highlights from Tom Bascom's Highly Parallel Dump and Load presentation. Exchange 06 was very good with a lot of great information. We talked a little about how the big buzz is still about SOA and web services.

The other hot topic (at least hot for me because of our companies desires) was AJAX. There were two sessions at Exchange showing what you can do with AJAX, and I included Tom Bascom's ProJAX in the handout as another great example of what you can do. If you've used Google's Gmail, Google Maps, or Flickr, you've used an application using the AJAX concepts. Basically it's a way to refresh the web page without reloading the entire page. With this you can create web app's that are more feature rich and closer to the experience users expect from applications on their desktop. Progress will continue investigating this.

Overall I thought it was a very good meeting. Later this year and next year Progress is going to put together some Road Show's like the Tech Peak's they had in the past. They are trying to set these up to work with Users Groups, so we'd have a morning show, lunch, then a Users Group meeting in the afternoon. I'll send out all the details when I have them.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, especially Dan Foreman and Mark Bloomberg!

Next meeting will be Thursday September 21st, 3pm - 5pm, place TBD. On Thursday July 20th we'll have another little get-together at a local pub, 4:3opm - ???, place TBD.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Remember, this is YOUR Users Group. I am here to make it run how you would like and get you what you'd like to see. If there is a topic you would like see covered, let me know. If there is someone you would like to see as a guest speaker, let me know. Later!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Exchange 2007

2007 will be June 10 - 13 in Phoenix AZ, at the JW Marriot.  Looking at the website this looks like a really nice hotel.  I'm still wondering if going from Vegas to Phoenix in June is like going from the frying pan to the fire.  It WILL be HOTTT!!!  But it'll be a great conference and from what I can tell about the hotel, 1) it is non-smoking (WOOHOO!!) and 2) wireless is available almost everywhere in the hotel.  I wonder what the Tuesday night event will be.  Maybe everyone sitting in the pool to try to bring our body temp down?  :)

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Ok, so I didn't do exactly as I planned and didn't post comments and photos from each day.  It was very busy and a fantastic time, and I'm just now getting back to a normal schedule.

I PROMISE to post photos this week and PROMISE to post a recap as well.  This Thursday I will give an in depth recap of the conference, which was my best so far.  I think next year will be amazing and you should try now to convince your management to let you go!

Please come Thursday, it'll be very informative and you'll enjoy it a lot!  Hope to see you then!

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Exchange Day 3

Well, I was going to try to blog at the end of each day, however by the time I got back to my hotel room, I was just too tired.  The first two days were great, lots of fantastic stuff, and today looks very good too.  Most people are leaving today but I'm staying the night, so I'll be able to give a wrap-up tonight - WATCH THIS SPACE!  ;)

I also hope to get my photos posted tonight.  Time to run to a session called "Inside the OpenEdge UI Research Lab".  This should be very cool!

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Exchange - Tuesday Morning

Sorry I haven't written sooner, busy busy busy here at Exchange.  First, I want to say they FINALLY have a good beer selection!  Well, ok, ONE good beer - Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale.  But that's WAY better than it has been in the past, so good job to whoever made sure we had that!

Lots of neat stuff, went to the first AJAX session which was very interesting, I can't wait for the 2nd session.  Today I've got two database tuning sessions to go to, then tonight they have some event for us.  I'll try to blog more and post my photos tonight.

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Next ORPUG Meeting - 6/22

Next ORPUG Meeting:
  • Thursday, June 22nd (had to change the date due to conflicts with the location)
  • 3pm - 5pm
  • Hampton Affiliates
    9600 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 200
    Portland, OR 97229
    map (all mapping software doesn't show our address correctly)
This will be a post-Exchange recap for those who couldn't make it. Some highlights:
  • Why is Progress interested in AJAX as a user interface?
  • A new UI for OpenEdge?
  • Database performance tuning, always a favorite at Exchange.
  • Mark Bloomberg from Progress will be joining us.
  • And lots more!
There is a lot of great stuff at Exchange this year and this meeting will be a great way to find out about it if you couldn't go. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Uchytil. I look forward to seeing you there!
I will also be adding comments and photos to our ORPUG blog each day.