Friday, January 27, 2006

Next ORPUG Event

We will have quarterly meetings, and each month inbetween I plan on having little get-togethers. These get-togethers aren't meetings or replacements for meetings. We do talk about Progress some, but also talk about anything else - the weather, sports, cars, dogs, music, users, teal sheep, anything you want.

So the next gathering will be Feb 16th from 4pm - ???. I'm not sure where yet, but am thinking about Gustav's over by Washington Square. Any other recommendations?

Anyhow, put it on your calendar and I'll send out reminders as the date gets closer. Thanks to everyone for making our last meeting really good!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

2006 PUG Presidents Meeting

What a great meeting! SO much better than last year. Honestly, last year I left feeling it was a waste of time as I did not really learn anything that would help me build up ORPUG. TOTALLY different this year! I've got lots of great ideas to share with everyone. Here's a few highlights (have to save some things so you'll come to the meeting). Click the photo to see more pictures form the meeting.

Benefits of Being a PUG Member
  • One group had some extra money at the end of the year (and we aren't really profit making organizations), so they bought all of their members a Progress book.
  • Discounts on training and other events sponsored by the PUG.
  • Networking with peers, learning how others do things and finding people who might be able to help when you have a problem - or helping others with their problems.
Progress Stability
  • As it has been for the past many years, Progress continues to be strong financially.
update 1/19/06: I think I have used the word "pricing" below when I should have used "licensing". Oops! Sorry!
  • Sonic pricing licensing has changed for the better. If you're interested, check with your sales rep or var.
  • OE10 pricing licensing is getting a major fix, no timeframe for when it'll be done. Part of the fix is what to do with those who have already purchased OE10.
  • 64-bit r-code. Right now there's a 2 billion record limit per area in Progress 9 & 10. 64-bit (which will be coming in 10.1B) will move this limit higher so for most people it's not an issue anymore. FYI, they have NO customers who are close to the 2 billion record limit. AND it is possible to set up your database in a way such that you could hit the 2 billion limit with 100 million records (using the wrong records per block settings for example).
  • Should be out now or in a few days.
  • Progress wants to make PSDN THE place to go to get tech info, like whitepapers, how-to's, sample code, etc. NOT to be confused with the PEG which offers more real-world experience, more instant help, a very large range of opinions (which is sometimes good), etc. Both are complimentary.
  • I suggested they also put all of the webinars and events for each Progress company (OpenEdge, RealTime, Sonic, etc) on PSDN so you don't have to go to 8 websites to get this stuff.
  • You will be able to comment on stuff, like if you feel a whitepaper is wrong or was extremely helpful, you can leave a comment that others can see.
Directions Forums
  • More info at the meeting, but basically a group of Progress and non-Progress employees working together on future directions of various pieces of Progress, like DBA, RFID, etc. I should be getting more info before our meeting and can share it then.
PUG Stuff
Here are some things that have worked for other groups that I want to try.
  • Calling/emailing members many times (but not like every day) reminding of the upcoming meeting. Yes it's annoying to get the email again for the 10th time, but you're less likely to forget about the meeting. The groups that habe done this haven't had people complain, actually the opposite where they've said thanks for reminding them.
  • Having a vendor sponsor a meeting. This means they can give a short (15 minute or less) sales pitch, but they have paid for the room and everything - plus usually their travel expenses - so the PUG doesn't have to come up with the money.
  • Charge dues. Having money allows us to do many things, mainly being able to find a meeting place pretty much anywhere. Other groups also buy something they raffle off at meetings (to paid members only). Some have enough money they are able to help some go to Exchange. It is also felt if you are paying for this - or your company is - you are more likely to attend.
  • Some groups only allow people a one-time free attendance to see if they want to join, then they must pay or they can't participate. If we get 60+ people attending all the time, I'll do this, but not right now.
  • Guest Speakers. Lots of great ideas for finding guest speakers, including all of us Presidents sharing information on our guest speakers. I think from this discussion I will have a much better time of finding speakers and topics for us.
One last thing. We (meaning us here in Oregon) have complained for YEARS that we don't know who are Progress Rep is. The person in charge of Rep's (Diane Albano) will be more than happy to let everyone know. So if you don't know and want to know or want to verify, send me an email and I'll find out for you.

Again, this was a fantastic meeting and I got a lot of great stuff from it. I'll have more to share at our meeting January 19th. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or whatever. See you then!